Comparison to Next.js

Flareact is closely modeled after Next.js. Here are a few key differences:

  • Next.js emphasizes static generation, while Flareact leverages edge-computing + caching.
  • Next.js has lots of optimizations built in, and it's considered more "production ready"
  • Lots of other things 😊

Rendering Modes

Next.js offers three distinct ways to render your pages:

  • Static-Site Generation (SSG): Your pages are generated at deploy time with getStaticProps. They are optionally revalidated on a timed basis to support incremental re-generation of your pages (useful for e.g. pulling in your latest blog posts).
  • Server-Side Rendering (SSR): Your pages are generated on-demand with each request with getServerProps. This is less common, given the powerful tool of incremental SSG above.
  • Client-Side Rendering (CSR): If you don't need to have your data fetched as part of your initial HTML payload, you can fetch it within your component as a typical AJAX request.

Flareact offers a similar approach with Edge-Side Rendering (ESR):

  • Your pages are generated with getEdgeProps and cached using the Cloudflare Worker Cache by default at the edge, similar to SSG.
  • Optionally, your pages can be revalidated after a specified time, similar to incremental SSG.
  • If needed, pages can also be revalidated on every request, similar to SSR.
  • Client-Side Rendering (CSR): If you don't need to have your data fetched as part of your initial HTML payload, you can fetch it within your component as a typical AJAX request.

Learn more about data fetching in Flareact